Silver, above ground, is more rare than gold! There is seven times as much gold above ground as compared to silver!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

SILVER and protecting your future - Robert Kiyosaki

More people became millionaires than any other time in history during the first Great Depression... Learn The Truth EVERY American MUST Know About Right Now & Steps You Can Take To Grow Rich During Economic Down Times

David Morgan interview, gold, silver, mining, money

This interview took place in the Silver and Gold Equals Freedom (chat room) The thing I like about Morgan is he KEEPS IT REAL! No politics, economic agenda, just investor friendly info.

Academy Silver Bars 10 Troy Ounce - Scottsdale Silver

Click Here 10 oz Academy Silver Bars. 9.999 Pure Silver Hand Poured in the USA. These bars are nicknamed Chunky for good reason. Investor and collectors around the world crave the unique look each bar brings along with it's incredible purity of .999+

Scottsdale Silver...the most distinguished name in bullion

JP Morgan Begins to Corner Metals Markets, Expect $80 Silver

Silver $30, should already be $80 with gold at these prices. No biggie because in a few years, we can see silver at $500. It really depends on the people, if they want it to be $500, we can get it done!!Dump some equities and buy 1000 oz. of silver. Massive fraud, manipulation & corruption seem to be the "thing" to do these days if you are a big Wall Street Banker. The Fed admits to sending Trillions overseas to foreign entities and Americans do nothing. The bad guys have had their run at shorting silver. Their next move will be to "go long" hard assets. They've shown us their play book with the recent cornering of the copper market by JPMorgan.

Please remember to keep up the fight and nails against J.P Morgan with the physical silver buying. J.P Morgan is hoping you'll forget about it now its shortened or supposedly shorted it massive shorts down. J.P Morgan we want you GONE we won't accept ANY shorts and we want our silver it its CORRECT price thank you very much. How dare you think this will make us forgive you and put a stop to our campaign? Time to push even harder folks.

The Great Silver Awakening

Silver to $500, Californian's still Dreamin', and much more! Conversations 5.0 with special guest, George Hemminger.Silver is UP 47% since this day, one year ago. Physical Silver and gold are REAL money - and silver specifically is the KEY to bringing down the criminal bankers/JP Morgan...

Many thanks to you, George, Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Mike Maloney, Robert Kiyosaki, and Tony Robbins for helping to wake up and save many Americans to the corruption on the Silver and Gold markets. I'm buying silver every chance I get. 28 oz just arrived yesterday. It went up $2 an ounce between buying from APMEX and being delivered
The elite cannot "run" gold and silver because they can't MAKE it. There is no such thing as inflation with gold & silver because they cannot inflate it (without discovering alchemy). What is here is here. The only way to grow the money supply is to find/dig up more. OR - make the existing gold & silver "worth more" - for example, they decree one gram worth twice as much. But they hate that because then the common folk ALSO get twice as rich, just like they do.Without physic silver we could not communicate here on youtube, etc.

There is only about 13 years of physic silver left in the surface for the industri, some optimist says 17-22 years.

The different in past history, is that only 10% could buy or had knowledge to buy physic Gold and Silver, today its more then 90% there have acces to buy it.

Gold been the platform for wealth past 4500year plus.

Gold was known as "Money" in BC.680 Lydia.

The Fiat Currency we have today is a Joke.

Metal Detecting Silver Coins with the Minelab Etrac

Filmed Dec 18th, '10. Glenn, Tom, Phil and myself detect another NYC park. About 17 silver coins were found between us. Nice winter weather & a nice day out with good friends.The silver in the dirt was a sight for my sore eyes.




Massive fraud, universal deceit, blatant corruption. These are not days for the faint of heart. Physical silver can help you to financially prepare for what is yet to come.

Silver/Gold is NOT AN INVESTMENT. The purpose to buying is not to wait for a higher price and then sell.

It is a simple and pure storage of wealth. In 1920, a $20 gold coin could buy you a nice suit while at the same time, a $20 Bill (which could be exchanged for that gold coin), would buy you the exact same suit.

Today, a $20 gold coin will STILL buy you that same nice suit whereas a $20 bill won't even buy you a nice tie.

It stores wealth. It keeps value. Fiat currency DOES NOT.I intend to acquire gold and silver (platinum? copper?), but surely the intent in doing so should not be to simply hoard it, or trade it for paper money later, but to use it to trade with other like minded people, to get off paper money like we must get off oil.I own physical silver. An interesting confirmation of this video could be seen on 12/15/2010 on 'Fast Money'. The regulars lambasted Peter Schiff and then went on to defend JP Morgan whom Schiff never mentioned. All he mentioned was buying silver and precious metals. Coincidence or damage control? Decide for yourself, I always do.

Sterling Silver

Bernard Chapin here with Volume of Chapin's INFERNO 526 Sterling Silver..Of course silver has practical value... It is ordained as real money, and has existed as such for over 6000 years... Those who have it, will not starve as long as there is food out there..Silver It is one of the very best antibiotics on earth. You can make colloidal silver or use it as as silverware to prepare food and eat on to kill bacteria. Just something to know. Oh, and in bullet form will kill a werewolf, lol.

Hoard those women's shiny baubles, and one day sell them to an entrepreneur making solar panels or water purifiers. I grabbed 3 one ouncers today, despite the high price, to give as gifts this week. However, I'm pretty far from selling my stack, unless it's to get friends or associates into the game with a couple ounces.

Buying Silver online

Buying Silver

Silver Shortage
GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!