Silver, above ground, is more rare than gold! There is seven times as much gold above ground as compared to silver!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Robert Kiyosaki : $6000 SILVER ! BUY NOW!

Robert Kiyosaki : Gold has no value to it , unlike Silver which is an industrial precious metal it is used in cell phone cameras computers and most of the IT gadgets , today there is more gold on planet earth than there silver , Silver is a bargain today a year ago one ounce of gold could buy one ounce of silver today one ounce of gold could but 70 ounces of silver , it is fantastic....

Robert Kiyosaki : " Silver is a consumable precious metal. Unlike gold, which is hoarded, silver is used industrially. For years, before digital photography, it was used in film for cameras and movies. Today, silver is used extensively in electronics.
The reason this is a good fundamental reason to get into the metal today is because silver stockpiles are dwindling, so its price is driven by supply and demand...."

• Silver is consumed and gold is hoarded.

• Silver is a precious metal and is also an industrial metal that is used in electronics, medicine, water purification, and jewelry

• Today stockpiles of gold are increasing while stockpiles of silver are decreasing. (This means there's an abundance of gold and a shortage of silver).

• The gold/silver ratio is historically 14:1. This means that if gold were $14 an ounce then silver would $1 an ounce. Today, the ratio is approximately 50:1. Silver is extremely underpriced. If silver held to the historic 14:1 ratio, with gold at $1,400 an ounce then silver should be $100 an ounce -- not the $30 an ounce it is today.Today Gold to Silver Ratio is 48:1
As recently as last July the ratio was 70:1
Historically the ratio has averaged 16:1 As pointed out in the article, for these reasons some folk have been buying Silver (more accurately, silver derivative products).

I’d say the silver:gold paired trade was a much better wager last July than today.

Most folks are not aware that twice in the past 100 years the ratio has gone as high as 100:1, during times of extreme financial imbalance.

Furthermore, when one looks at the LONG term ratio charts, you can see that silver had traded at a much higher premium for several centuries in the Roman period and in the Middle Ages, at times breaking the 10:1 barrier.

As with any other financial play, it all comes down to time horizon.

CFTC and CME prove once again why you should be buying silver

hold your silver . Buy if you possibly can..
Don't drink the cool aid coz happy days for silver holders are getting closer , Gold dropped $25, Apmex dropped their price by $10, and the silver drop hasn't been reflected in their prices.

I just checked out Ebay, 1oz SilverTowne bar sold for $37 + $1.75 shipping.JPMorgan and the Fed don't intimidate me at all. Margin requirements don't affect me at all since I own no financial paper. Physical gold and silver only. The longer they manipulate, the more time I have to buy physical cheap. Bring it on JP!This second margin requirement increase so soon after the last one smells of desperation by the bankers. As the paper and physical prices diverge the paper loses credibility and they start to look not just desperate, but silly as well. Desperate and silly is hardly the image that the masters of the universe want to cultivate.The CFTC is a disgrace. Ol' Bart Chilton assured me today that "it aint' over" and he's still trying. I hope he's right. Either way it's going to end badly for the paper holders.

How much physical you hold is all that matters
The CFTC is a digrace. Ol' Bart Chilton assured me today that "it aint' over" and he's still trying. I hope he's right. Either way it's going to end badly for the paper holders.

How much physical you hold is all that matters

Silver is the metal of The next Decade says Eric Sprott


the shortage is going to drive up the price. Silver makes such a great gift and people look at you and say Is this real silver? History will be made this week one way or another, but can the current course of the United States of America really be changed at all? Get your paper money OUT pf the bank and OUT of the stock market. Get anything you can that has REAL value. Metals, food, protection, anything to barter ... anything with REAL value ... not worthless paper. Look up the history of Argentina.

the shortage is going to drive up the price. Silver makes such a great gift and people look at you and say Is this real silver? I say yea its the purest around and don't sell it till I tell you. That will be worth 500 dollars soon. Then they become silver invest er/gaters too.It always makes me happy to read about folks who doing well and ignoring all the nonsense "FED" to us by the government and media puppets. We are both silver investors beginning this year.

It's exciting to think about the potential of a truly free market silver! As we chat a "RICO" case is pending. The damn is going to burst at some point, imho. Thanks to those who shared the truth!!!!!

They tell us higher interest rates is strong for the fiat dollars - The Silver Log (01.20.2011)

This looks like a good time to hit the coin shop!n.I looked at at today and they were buying 2011 silver eagles for $29.22. eBay has 2011 silver eagles with bids for over $40 and some at the $45 level.
I think the physical is already divorcing itself from the paper.
Bought another roll of silver eagles when it hit $27.44.

World Silver Supply Approaching Zero!

Silver Is the absolute best investment for the 21st century! The opportunity we have today is a once in a hundred year phenomenon.Silver is the rarest metal on the planet, it will go to the moon, then it will go to the sun, then it will leave the solar system.

there were 12 billion ozs. of Ag in 1900 and there is only 1 billion now where did the rest go? It can't just disappear. Don't get me wrong I am bullish on silver but I think this is a legitimate question.its in mobiles, computers, appliances, batteries, medial, photography... ETC - its used in about 10,000 unqiue applications.In Mike Maloney's book "Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver" he cites the USGS that says that there are 25 years supply of silver in the ground and 30 years supply of gold.some people are saying silver could get to 50,000 an ounce ,Silver price manipulation is evident in the gold to silver price ratio which should average between 10 and 20. That is, for every ounce of gold, you should be able to buy 10 to 20 ounces of silver.

You can, at the time of recording, buy 78 times the amount of silver than gold for the same money - and yet there is a major silver shortage!

The lenders of Silver are depleting their reserves faster than it is being mined and with the recent downturn - even less mining will occur and even less silver production will eventuate as its price gets close (at some stages below) the cost of production.
silver might very well go near 1:1 ratio, but alot of people will learn to salvage from broken products such as cell phones and pc towers to salvage silver/gold scrap. still, drop the fucking worthless paper., unless your out of toilet paper, 100 dollar bills will work fine for that when shit hits the fan.In 1964, JFK started printing U.S. notes backed by our 4 billion ounces of silver. He was killed a couple months later. LBJ stopped the printing 11 days later. The PTB sold off the silver to make sure that no one else got any bright ideas. It took a while to sell 4 B ounces. It ran out Nov of 2005. I bought 2 weeks later. It's been on a tear ever since then. No big surprise. On of the new, big uses of silver is for anti-bacterial clothing. A LOT of silver is used in electrical contacts.
Silver reserves approaching ZERO. Price explosion must follow!
Silver Shortage
GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!